Towards Easier and Straight Forward Dosimetry Always Inherits Identical Results

Author Details

Emad Y. Moawad

Journal Details


Published: 15 June 2018 | Article Type :


Background: On comparing the response of patients to the wide range of doses applied in radiotherapy in different schools of medicine all over the world puzzling observations arise. This research proves the predictability of the therapeutic response to radiotherapy that would contribute to avoid non optimal treatments or treatment failure.

Methods and Materials: Models involving primary LS174T human colon cancer and pre-treated human epidermoid carcinoma cell line A431 with total delivered dose of 85 Gy xenografts in athymic mice were used. The response of primary LS174T model to a singlBRT exposure of 60Co EBRT exposure of 6 Gy was predicted by determining Doubling Time-Energy Conversion (DT-EC) prior to therapy. Also, the recurrence of the pre-treated A431 model was predicted by determining DT-EC before dose delivery. The mechanical behavior of the primary model was monitored by determining the growth/or shrinkage constants after therapy, while the pre-treated model was monitored after cell injection.

Results: The actual responses of the primary and pre-treated models to the presented therapies were 100% identical to the predicted responses to strengthen the confidence in predicting the patient response prior to therapy.

Conclusion: To make dosimetry easier and straight forward always inherits identical results, the concept of DT-EC is reliable to administer the patient-personalized dose to avoid non optimal treatments or treatment failure.

Keywords: Dosimetry; Doubling Time-Energy Conversion (DT-EC); Emad formula; External beam radiotherapy (EBRT).

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How to Cite


Emad Y. Moawad. (2018-06-15). "Towards Easier and Straight Forward Dosimetry Always Inherits Identical Results." *Volume 1*, 1, 1-6